To Prepare: After reviewing the Learning Resources for this module,

To Prepare: After reviewing the Learning Resources for this module, consider how the arts are currently being integrated into early childhood settings and how the arts can promote healthy development and meaningful learning experiences. Identify additional resources that support the vital role the arts can play in development and learning when integrated into early childhood […]

Now that you have completed running some calculations for the

Now that you have completed running some calculations for the cookie business in Unit VII, you will present your findings.The learning objectives of this project allow you to apply accounting concepts and standards to the creation of accounting information and reports.  Using your final project from Unit VII as a guide, create an eight- to […]

Part B (7%) (word limits: up to 1,200 words for

   Part B (7%) (word limits: up to 1,200 words for parts i-ii together) James and Simon are cousins. James is the proprietor of shop A which sells musical instruments while Simon is a free-lance music teacher (Simon does not work for James). On one occasion, Simon visited shop A. When he saw James busy […]

Find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article discussing blockchain technology. Complete

Find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article discussing blockchain technology. Complete a review of the article by writing a 2-3 page overview of the article. This will be a detailed summary of the journal article, including concepts discussed and findings. Additionally, find one other source (it does not have to be a peer-reviewed journal article) that substantiates the findings […]

Short storys 1-Araby by James Joyce 2-A Rose For Emily

Short storys 1-Araby by James Joyce 2-A Rose For Emily by William Faulkner   Note, a well-written objective paragraph consists of 7-12 sentences. You are not re-writing the story, but summarizing in your own words, without the usage of quotes or copying the story. No first or second person usage.  The first two paragraphs are […]

Select an article based on a “discovery” or scientific claim

 Select an article based on a “discovery” or scientific claim and evaluate it based on the “Rough Guide to Spotting Bad Science”. You do not have to locate the actual journal article – we are examining media portrayal of science, so you do not have to go further than the actual news story.   *MUST USE […]

Commercial Space Travel” on page 16. ### On October 4,

  Commercial Space Travel” on page 16. ### On October 4, 2004, at nearly 400,000 feet (70 miles)above the Mojave Desert, history and $10 milliondollars were made. SpaceShipOne had completed itsthird required flight to claim the $10 million X Prize.The Ansari X Prize was created to jump start interest incommercial space travel and was similar […]

For this assignment, compare and contrast the codes of ethics

  For this assignment, compare and contrast the codes of ethics from two different professional organizations. You can use any from the optional resources list, find your own, or use one from the organization you work for. It just needs to be an existing code of ethics from an organization related to communication. Your paper […]

In your own words, write a journal assignment articulating the

 In your own words, write a journal assignment articulating the differences between laws and ethics as they apply to digital communication. Make sure to include examples of both, and explain why they are both important for media professionals to understand. How can both law and ethics guide the behavior of professionals across media fields?  4 […]

Instructions Review the selected capstone project topic (Inadequate Data Storage

  Instructions Review the selected capstone project topic (Inadequate Data Storage Architectures) description attached. Your paper should use the Capstone Project Template(find in attachments).  The final paper should be in the attached template format as follows: Paper introduction Problem statement/discussion Potential and proposed solutions Conclusion and cited references You may use the attached template and […]