The student will post one thread of at least 700

The student will post one thread of at least 700 words plus the associated annotated bibliography.   Reserve a Key TopicKey topics are addressed within each chapter. Select a key topic to research and discuss. Post the topic you wish to reserve in the subject line of your thread.  KEY TOPIC CHOSEN: FLOW SHOPS The […]

I n this unit, you learned about measurement and assessing

I n this unit, you learned about measurement and assessing talent. For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned to a specific situation. Using the job that you created for the assignment in Unit V, complete the following tasks:  Compose 15 questions that will be used to measure or assess candidates’ skills for […]

As businesses strive for global market dominance, employee differentiation based

As businesses strive for global market dominance, employee differentiation based on skills, competence, and motivation becomes increasingly crucial (Aguinis & Kraiger, 2009). As a result, training and development programs were created to enhance the business’s competitiveness. According to Aguinis and Kraiger (2009), training and development benefits not only the company but also the employees. Improved […]

The instructor wants us to watch all the videos and

The instructor wants us to watch all the videos and  1. Choose TWO of the three areas, and for each of the two you choose find one posting (“topic”) that you find particularly interesting. For instance, if you click on “Early Learning” you may then choose “Play.”  2. For each of the two you choose, […]

This assignment must be typed in a Microsoft Word document

   This assignment must be typed in a Microsoft Word document with 12 pt. Times New Roman font. The text must be double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ by 11″) with 1″ margins on all sides, and a minimum of 3 (three) full pages in length including the references, if available.  If you have references, you […]

Create a thread in response to the provided prompt “Do

 Create a thread in response to the provided prompt “Do you believe that managers should be given more autonomy to make personnel decisions such as hiring, appraising, and compensating subordinates, or do you believe that managers should be given less autonomy to make such decisions? Explain and substantiate your reasoning.”  The thread must be at […]

Read the Case Studies on the following pages and answer

Read the Case Studies on the following pages and answer the following questions: PG 34. CASE STUDY: Are Farms Becoming Digital Firms. Questions 1-12,1-13,1-14,1-15, 1-16,1-17. 1-12 List and describe the technologies used in this case study. 1-13 In what sense are U.S. farms now digital firms? Explain your answer. 1-14 How is information technology changing […]

You are working for a corporation. You are in charge

You are working for a corporation. You are in charge of implementing new technologies in your organization. Select one of the emerging technologies we covered in this class. For example, 4D printing or Robotics. Write a convincing proposal for your company why they should be implementing this technology you selected.  Your paper should include: a […]

W8 Assignment In 4-5 pages, list and discuss: What is

  W8 Assignment In 4-5 pages, list and discuss: What is meant by green supply chain? Discuss the cost of congestion in the transportation system? Discuss advances in truck navigation. Discuss issues with supply and demand of fuel. What type of technology is being utilized to foster collaboration in the supply chain by carriers and […]

After viewing the course resources for this week, prepare a

  After viewing the course resources for this week, prepare a written reflection that addresses the following: Explain what you find very clear and compelling in the ideas of postmodernism. Determine the relationship between systems theories and postmodernism. Explain how postmodernism and social constructionism inform your work as a marriage and family therapist. Explore how […]