Clinical – Lantus and metformin

For this Assignment, you are answer the questions regarding this case study. Please make sure to support your answers using evidence based practice. 56 y/o Caucasian male presents to the primary care clinic with complains of dizziness and nausea x 4 days. The patient reports he has not been able to get out of bed […]

Critical Essay-(Keeping Up With The Kardashians

Content: At a minimum your paper should include: 2. A one paragraph introduction in which you: a. Introduce your media text, (Keeping Up With The Kardashians, please choose only one episode to analyse) b. comment upon its significance as an object of study, c. formulate a clear and concise thesis statement (i.e., identify what your […]

What are the responsibilities of a defense attorney in representing

 Watch the videos at these links: and What are the responsibilities of a defense attorney in representing his client? What are the responsibilities of the police and the prosecutor in representing the public? Is there a difference between what is lawful and what is ethical conduct? How do these issues impact the assessment […]

What is the potential impact of the Corporate Social Responsibility

To develop a good understanding of the possible impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure on the financial performance, you will need to perform the following: A. Read and summarize at least 5 academic papers about the above topic; (about 40% of the text) B. Present a real-life company operating in UAE that discloses its CSR […]

Nursing Theorist: Patricia Benner

select a nursing theorist from the list below and explore the work of the nursing theorist and his/her theory. Nursing Theorists: Highly suggested for ease at completing this assignmentoPhilosophiesPatricia Benner. Nursing Theorists Guidelines:Nursing Theorist Assignment must include but is not limited to thefollowing for the chosen theorist/theory:1.Intro that includes:Credentials and background of the theorist. (3/4 […]

International Terrorism Policy

Write a paper responding to one of the following prompts: 1. Pick a country in Asia or Africa and describe three things: a. 1) The current state of “homegrown” terrorism, b. 2) One or two official government policies that the country is taking to address this issue (can be a multicultural approach, new laws, etc), […]

Stakeholder Analysis Essay on Immigration & Illegal Immigration in

 Research: You have done much of the research for this assignment already! Consult the sources you compiled during your literature review and the information you reported in your PowerPoint presentation. Look over your notes from your expert interview. Decide whether you have enough information (and the best information) to create a comprehensive analysis of this […]

understanding identity

 GNED 500 Chapter Critiques/Group SeminarsThroughout the semester, student groups will hold seminars that will last for 20 -30mins. Each group, composed of 2-3students, will lead a discussion on the week’s assigned readings. It is the group’s responsibility to outline the most important aspects of the readings. The group will also be responsible for facilitating class […]

International Terrorism Policy Response

 Instructions: Write a paper responding to one of the following prompts: Pick a country in Asia or Africa and describe three things: 1) The current state of “homegrown” terrorism, 2) One or two official government policies that the country is taking to address this issue (can be a multicultural approach, new laws, etc), and 3) […]

chief executive officer-Brian Nicol Chipotle

Chipotle Directive Question for Written case 2: Brian Nicol Chipotle’s chief executive officer and member of the Board of Directors has asked you to do a complete industry and competitive analysis of his industry, and help him determine the path forward by crafting very specific recommendations and brilliant justifications. Below is Mr. Nicol’s statement (Page […]