Rule of 72, Simple Interest, & Future Value

Solve the following problems.  Rule of 72, Simple Interest, & Future Value   Rule of 72   1. How many years does it take an investment to double earning 5%?  Rule of 72 2. How many years does it take an investment to double earning 8%?  Rule of 72 3. How many years does it […]

Effect of social media on society- What laws have had to be enacted

Answer the following questions in the essay in MLA format and include them with your assignment: How is this problem a social problem (you may find that using Charon’s Four Questions Approach (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. is very helpful)? How do AT LEAST TWO of the major theories (functionalism, conflict/feminist, […]

Threat of blizzard to large metropolitan area in SE US.

Your paper must be at least seven (7) pages in length (double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 font), not including cover page, references, appendix, tables, etc. The format of the paper must include an Abstract or Introduction, which states the purpose of the paper; sub-headers for each topic as prescribed in the Guidelines and Grading Scale […]

Why are the ancient legends of China of interest to historians?

You must use at least one appropriate scholarly source and one appropriate primary source. Double check with your professor to make sure the sources are appropriate.  DO support your argument with brief, appropriate quotations from the primary sources, properly cited and with quotation marks. Quotations from secondary sources (properly cited and with quotation marks) […]

Does the media agenda-setting role influence the public’s political

If you get to the end of your source analysis and decide it’s not relevant after all, don’t turn it in. Note: No undergraduate or masters-level papers! Maximum of one dissertation. Include the following for each source analysis: 1. Correct MLA or APA citation. 2. 3-5 (or more) quotations from the source that will be […]

Relate (compare and/or contrast) at least two aspects of Group Systems

1.) Relate (compare and/or contrast) at least two aspects of Group Systems Theory (Connors and Caple, 2005) to some of the other theories of small group communication summarized by the class. (PDF will be attached ,, Connors and Caple, 2005)) Some of the theories we reviewed in class are: Group Think Theory, Social Exchange Theory, […]

Refer to “The Housewife Who Drank at Home” and “The Specter of Shame

Substance Abuse and Shame Refer to “The Housewife Who Drank at Home” and “The Specter of Shame and Substance Misuse ” to complete this assignment. Based on the readings, write a paper of 1,000-1,250 words addressing treatment interventions for substance abuse behaviors that are triggered by shame. Using the example of the woman in “The […]

Macroeconomics Theory and Policy

The purpose of this assignment is to estimate the Phillips curve and Okun’s Law for the country of your choice and write a well-structured research report about the whole process of acquiring and refining your date, estimating, interpreting the coefficients, and discussing the theoretical background of your models and empirical implications of the estimated equations […]

a review paper based on 10 research articles about Myosin II

writing a review paper based on 10 research articles and 10 reviews articles about Myosin II: it is history, structure, functions, classifications, enzymatic properties and it is regulation. in general, an overview of the topic indicating why it is important, a critical analysis of the primary literature that includes a discussion of how these articles […]