Human health and the environment Essay Nursing Assignment Help

By the due date assigned, respond to the discussion question and submit your response to the topic in this Discussion Area.

Respond to the question using the lessons and vocabulary found in the readings. Support your response with examples and research. Your response should clarify your understanding of the topic. It should be your own—original and free from plagiarism. Follow APA format for the writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.

Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your peers as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your peers. Participate in the discussion by analyzing each response for completeness and accuracy and by suggesting specific additions or clarifications for improving the discussion question response.

Human Health and the Environment

Gather information from the EPA website ( about the United States of America Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This is the federal agency responsible for the protection of human health and the environment in the United States.

Expert Solution Preview

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a federal agency responsible for safeguarding human health and the environment in the United States. The EPA works to develop and enforce regulations to protect the environment, provide research and education on environmental issues, and promote sustainable practices.

One of the key roles of the EPA is to establish and enforce environmental standards. This includes setting limits on pollutants in the air, water, and soil, as well as regulating waste management and hazardous substances. By implementing and enforcing these regulations, the EPA helps to reduce the risk of environmental contamination and protect human health.

Additionally, the EPA conducts research and provides resources and information on a wide range of environmental issues. This includes studying the impacts of pollution on human health, developing best practices for environmental management, and providing educational materials and programs to raise awareness about environmental protection.

The EPA also plays a vital role in responding to and monitoring environmental emergencies and disasters. In the event of an environmental incident, such as an oil spill or widespread pollution, the EPA works to assess the damage, coordinate cleanup efforts, and mitigate the impact on human health and the environment.

Overall, the EPA’s mission is to protect human health and the environment through regulation, research, and education. By establishing and enforcing environmental standards, conducting research, and providing educational resources, the EPA contributes to a safer and healthier environment for all.

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