Mammal from north america.

A six page research essay (this does include the cover page and reference page) with size 12 font, normal 1 inch margins, and double space, on any mammal from north america. You must collect information (conduct your research) about the species from text books and other scientifically based research. Do not use Wikipedia. Must write […]

Wealthy Inequality in America

 Instructions: Use your sociological imagination to explain the prevalence of poverty among certain racial and ethnic groups. Based on your explanation(s), what steps do you think should be taken to minimize poverty? Please talk about the topic based on the conflict theory and explain the wealthy Inequality in America by the social structural factors (Mass […]

Black equality in America.

1. Write an essay that analyzes the representation of Africa in any number of the works we have read in the first six weeks of class. Consider how each author in your study represents Africa to advance if not an anti-slavery message, then a message advocating for black equality in America. Your essay should be […]

Mexico migration into the United States of America

Key Concept: Change Related Concepts: Equity, Choice, Perspective Global Context: Orientation in Space and Time Research question: To what extent is poverty affecting Mexico’s migrating circus into America? You will undertake an investigation into a current involuntary/forced migration that is occurring in the world. You must focus your investigation through the following Sustainability Goal: No […]