Use your readings from Voltaire, Kant,Tocqueville, the Declaration of

.5 pages (double-spaced) or c. 2000 words.Use your readings from Voltaire, Kant,Tocqueville, the Declaration of the Rights of Manand/or Woman as the basis for an essay which answers this question: Did Enlightenment thinking provoke the French Revolution?   Sources: Kant: What Is Enlightenment, Voltaire: Candide, John Merriman: A History of Modern Europe, Third Edition: From […]

Declaration of Rights of Man

Description Sources 1.Declaration of Rights of Man 2. Olympe de Gouges’s Declaration of the Rights of Women 3. The Doctrine of Grachus Babeuf Required Writing Response: Briefly summarize (a paragraph for each) the three primary sources’ perspective on equality including consideration of who they think needs equality. What is necessary for equality. […]