Film analysis on 2010 movie called Boy

Description Film Scene Analysis on movie : Boy (2010) directed and written by Taika Waititi Students are to submit a short essay based on the analysis of a film scene or sequence. This assignment improves your knowledge of the concepts for analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of media. Your conceptual understanding of cinema connects film technique […]

#1: Stereotypes and Film

 Stereotypes are often depicted in films. Choose any film (Aladdin) that portrays some form of stereotypes. In your analysis, complete the following: Briefly summarize the film. Discuss three instances of stereotyping in the film. Then, answer the following questions about the stereotypes in the film: How did the stereotypes originate? How did the characters respond […]

Subliminal messages in film experiments, James Vicary, 1957

 Power point instructions and Tips A slide presentation about “Subliminal messages in film experiments, James Vicary, 1957” on a PowerPoint with references slide at the end is ideal. Feel free to use a variety of sources, including the internet, books, or journal articles. Explain how the experiment you present is related to the Patton text, […]

Digital Communication: How does the Harry Potter film series utilize

OVERVIEW The goal of this project is to thoroughly research a topic within digital communication and present findings using relevant technology. INSTRUCTIONS Part 1: Choose a digital communication topic to research in-depth that includes at least one aspect of social media. You should answer a question about a controversial digital communication topic: for example, should […]

Film review- PBS documentary Sick Around America

 Health Management Film Review Essay APA format- Watch the PBS documentary Sick Around America and write a film review following the provided rubric below. Video link: What are the major problems (Cite at least 3) in the United States’ health care system? Why hasn’t it been “fixed”? (Completely and comprehensively responds with detailed explanation.) […]

Reflective Analysis Film Review

1. Your review of the selected film should be concise, thoughtful discussion of the main features of the study described in the film. 2. The primary goal of your review is not to judge whether the film was good or bad but to examine it carefully in order to understand better the importance of the […]

How do the protagonists or social conflicts in the film offer an

This assignment requires that you watch the film, The Visitor and respond to a series of questions. In the film there is a protagonist and a different social conflict that offers you an opportunity to explore an experience different from your usual family, work, community or group experience. The difference may relate to gender, ethnicity, […]

FILM 1405: Critical Research Essay

1. Jason Mittell argues that “Complex TV” is characterized by an “operational aesthetic” whereby viewers not only take pleasure in a narrative but also in learning how that narrative is constructed. Select a television program from this mode of storytelling that you think is great. Write an essay that outlines and explains why it’s so […]

Earth Mother Archetypes in Film: Avatar, Fern Gully, and Pocahontas

Instructions and Examples for Major Papers for Cinema Appreciation Major papers need to be a minimum of 2,000 words. They should be in MLA format, with the following exceptions: titles are centered and put in bold font; your name, class, and meeting time go directly under the title and are also centered; and you do […]

Film Aesthetics (Sections A / AA) : Psycho films

For this assignment you will write a paper of 1000-1250 words in answer to the topic listed below. The topic questions must be answered by way of formal analysis. Full evaluation criteria are listed at the end of these instructions. Papers must be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced, and submitted. The […]