For this assignment, you will begin to outline the first section of your final presentation, which is your personal mission statement and SWOT analysis,

 For this assignment, you will begin to outline the first section of your final presentation, which is your personal mission statement and SWOT analysis, and you will identify a chosen career direction for achieving your future professional goals. This is an opportunity to reflect on your career goals, determine your strengths and weaknesses, and start […]

Select one of the theories from this week’s readings (Rehabilitation, Restorative Justice, or Early Intervention) and briefly identify the pros and cons

Select one of the theories from this week’s readings (Rehabilitation, Restorative Justice, or Early Intervention) and briefly identify the pros and cons of a correctional system designed to accomplish the goals aligned with the selected correctional theory. After establishing the pros and cons, argue whether this theory should (or should not) be the predominant theory […]

See attached doc Overview In this journal assignment, you will respond to questions related to the article provided. To complete this assignment,

See attached doc Overview In this journal assignment, you will respond to questions related to the article provided. To complete this assignment, you must first complete the assigned textbook reading. Prompt Read  this article  and then prepare a journal assignment that thoroughly answers the following questions: · What are some ways the Vermont Department of […]