What effects at both macro level (e.g. public opinion, social policy)

With the exception of a few years in the early 1990s, the shortage of nurses to provide care in hospitals has been a chronic problem with intermittent acute exacerbations since the 1930s. What effects at both macro level (e.g. public opinion, social policy) and micro level (e.g. individual schools, courses) has this had on nursing […]

Are any changes taking place in the macro environment that might have

2. Trace any changes in strategy that you can identify over time. Determine whether the strategic changes are as a result of deliberate or emergent strategies. 3. Are any changes taking place in the macro environment that might have an impact, positive or negative, in the industry in which your company is based? If so, […]

627 Policy and Macro Practice in Children, Youth and Family Services

Topics ● Voting as a political tool ● NASW’s Voting is Social Work campaign ● The role of external influences in shaping policy- Think tanks and social media This Unit relates to course objectives 3 & 4 Required Readings Jansson, B. S. (2014). Engaging in ballot-based policy advocacy. In Becoming an effective policy advocate: From […]