Plato The Allegory of the cave

Description Summarize and respond to Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave. Organize around a strong thesis and top sentences. In this type of essay, your goal is to capture the controlling idea and the supporting details of a text, then respond by deceiving your reaction to the text . Your response will connect personal experiences, […]

Plato and the Post-Truth Era

Topic: In Plato’s Apology, we hear Socrates’ tale of a philosopher’s efforts to bring others in his society to appreciate the value of seeking the truth. In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave (Republic VII), we see the prisoners at the bottom of the cave entrapped and subject to error and illusion. Explain how either or […]

Plato Gorgias

Description Essay #1 Assignment Instructions This is the first of two essays that you are required to write for this course. The following instructions are to be followed carefully, if you depart from them you will be docked points on your paper. 1. Length This paper must be 9-10 (properly formatted) pages in length and […]