Part 1 M.S. is a 26-year-old woman who is pregnant with her Nursing Assignment Help

Part 1  M.S. is a 26-year-old woman who is pregnant with her first child. Her husband accompanied her to all her prenatal visits. An ultrasound during a routine visit at 34 weeks’ gestation revealed that the baby had hydrocephalus and a myelomeningocele. The parents were initially devastated but remained very excited about the birth of […]

Pregnant women have increased requirements for calories and Nursing Assignment Help

Pregnant women have increased requirements for calories and for most nutrients. Some nutrients are more important than others. What are 2-3 of the most important vitamins and minerals needed during the pregnancy stage? Why are these specific nutrients needed? What health issues can these nutrients prevent? The nutritional status and health of many American children […]

NURS 307 Pregnant Women Caring Practice Presentation Nursing Assignment Help

? MAIN DETAILS: Include the following in your presentation: 1. Nursing Management/ Nursing care of this topic – What this topic is  2. Patient teaching – Why is it important 3. Explanation of what the topic is  4. Two of Watson’s Caraitas Processes need to be incorporated (how can her factors help you plan the […]

BCC X Ray in Pregnant Women Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical question and need guidance to help me learn. A family member asks you why x-ray and nuclear medicine technologists are so concerned with pregnancy. How do you answer them? You are a medical professor in charge of creating college assignments and answers for medical college students. You design […]

WU Prescribing for Older Adults and Pregnant Women Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

After assessing and diagnosing a patient, PMHNPs must take into consideration special characteristics of the patient before determining an appropriate course of treatment. For pharmacological treatments that are not FDA-approved for a particular use or population, off-label use may be considered when the potential benefits could outweigh the risks. In this Discussion, you will investigate […]

Aamuun and Asad are refugees from Somalia currently living in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Aamuun was pregnant when the couple arrived. During the first 4 months of Aamuun’s pregnancy, she lived on very Nursing Assignment Help

Aamuun and Asad are refugees from Somalia currently living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Aamuun was pregnant when the couple arrived.  During the first 4 months of Aamuun’s pregnancy, she lived on very meager food portions.  After arriving in the United States, her diet improved greatly.  She gave birth to a healthy girl of normal birth weight.  The […]

Aamuun and Asad are refugees from Somalia currently living in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Aamuun was pregnant when the couple arrived. During the first 4 months of Aamuun’s pregnancy, she lived on very Nursing Assignment Help

Aamuun and Asad are refugees from Somalia currently living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Aamuun was pregnant when the couple arrived.  During the first 4 months of Aamuun’s pregnancy, she lived on very meager food portions.  After arriving in the United States, her diet improved greatly.  She gave birth to a healthy girl of normal birth weight.  The […]

Criminal Law: Women falsely claiming to be pregnant to keep a man

Its a 10 page paper which will include the enactment of a new Statute to provide civil and/or criminal penalties for engaging in the deviant behavior identified by your paper. The paper portion of this assignment should be at least 6-8 pages long and the statute should be at least 2-4 pages. As long as […]