What are the effects of Ketamine treatment on treatment resistant

• Introductory statement clearly describes the phenomenon and main health issue • Clearly identifies the problem and gives an argument for examining the problem • Thesis statement is clear and well-articulated • Clearly articulates the particular population with clinical setting provided 1. Operational Definitions • Operational definitions of key terms are provided • Pathophysiology or […]

Symbyax for treatment resistant depression

The paper will be an in depth study of a psychotropic medication (commonly used in psychiatric practice) that you have a particular interest in. The paper should be written using APA format, (total of 9 pages plus references pages). Pages should be numbered. Headings and subheadings should be used to organize your paper. The following […]

How can communities become fire resistant, especially as some of these

Prompt: The recent fires in both Northern and Southern California have again brought us to the realization that many of our communities are built on the interface between forest and urbanization. How can communities become fire resistant, especially as some of these communities (e.g. Malibu, Paradise, Santa Rosa)? Potential Structure • Executive Summary o Member […]